9 Important_Pickleball_Tips_for_Intermediate_Players

9 Important Pickleball Tips for Intermediate Players

If you’re looking to improve your pickleball skills and have progressed past the beginner level, these pickleball tips for intermediate players will help take your game to the next level.

As an intermediate pickleball player, you have decent strokes, can keep rallies going, and grasp basic strategy. But there are still areas of your game needing improvement. Following these 9 pickleball tips for intermediate players will help you master fundamentals, play smarter, and boost skills so you can eventually advance to the next level.

Master Control Over Power

Many intermediate pickleball players overly focus on hitting the ball hard, often sacrificing control in the process. But keeping the ball in play with consistency and accuracy is far more vital than sheer power. Work on control through proper technique and smooth strokes. Let your body momentum drive the ball. Master control first before trying to add power.

Practice key shots like serves, returns, volleys, and dinks until you can reliably execute basic pickleball tips for intermediate players with control. Only use power on easy put-away opportunities. Keep rallies going with topspin and precise placement. Consistent shot-making wins more points than uncontrolled slamming.

Practice Consistent Serving

Having a solid, dependable serve is one of the best ways for intermediate pickleball players to gain an advantage. Yet inconsistent serving is common at this level. To improve:

  • Toss the ball high enough to allow full-service motion.
  • Make contact out in front of your body.
  • Aim serves deep into the service court, varying placement.
  • Use spin – topspin, backspin, flat serves.
  • Go for control over trying to blast the ball.
  • Practice serving drills to hone technique and accuracy.

Mastering high-percentage serving should be a top priority using these pickleball tips for intermediate players. Aim for a 60-70% first-serve rate as you improve consistency.

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Enhance Your Dink Shot

The dink – a soft shot landed just over the net – is arguably the most vital pickleball skill for intermediate players. Excellent dinking allows you to control the pace and set up winning opportunities. Work on consistently landing dinks within a few feet of the non-volley zone. Use finesse – don’t hit too hard. Vary placement and pace. Move your opponent out of position to gain an edge. The dink is both an offensive and defensive weapon.

Improve Shot Selection and Placement

Proper shot selection stems from understanding pickleball strategy and positioning. Don’t just reactively return the ball – consider where you are on the court, where opponents are positioned, and play the highest percentage pickleball tips for intermediate players shot at that moment.

  • Hit down-the-line or crosscourt to move opponents laterally.
  • Drop shots and lobs can change pace and set up put-aways.
  • Look for openings down the middle when opponents leave it unprotected.
  • Wrong foot opponents by hitting behind them when they’re out of position.

Also, pay close attention to your shot placement. Aim for targets instead of just hitting the ball randomly. Move opponents far wide to open up the court. Evaluate your options and implement smart tactics.

Master the Lob Serve Return

The lob serve return neutralizes strong serves, allowing intermediate pickleball players time to reset the point. Basically, just lob the serve deep into the opponent’s court instead of directly returning the serve. This resets the point neutral and enables you to get back into optimal position.

Practice lobbing serve returns with an arc so they land deep. Use your opponent’s power against them. This works great against spinny topspin serves or serves targeted into corners. But don’t overuse it – mix up your serve return strategies.

Focus on Your Footwork

Proper footwork allows you to move well on the court and get into position to make winning shots. As an intermediate player, you must master quick lateral strides and small adjustment steps – stay balanced, knees bent. Drill moving forward and backward along the non-volley zone line. Work on smoothly pivoting and changing direction. Footwork translates power from your core into precise paddle strokes.

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Increase Doubles Communication

Constant communication with your partner is key for double’s success at the intermediate pickleball level. In the heat of a rally, many players forget this. Verbally call out “You”, “I got it”, and “Yours” on pop-ups to avoid collisions. Discuss tactics quickly between points. Maintain an encouraging, positive tone. Designate serve-receive responsibilities. Confirm decisions with your partner. Keep communication flowing using these pickleball tips for intermediate players.

Continue Learning Strategies and Skills

Just because you’ve reached an intermediate skill level doesn’t mean learning stops. Seek out instructional videos, lessons, articles, and books. Watch and learn from more advanced players. Ask partners and competitors for feedback on your game. Never get complacent – continuously improve knowledge and skills over time. Small, incremental improvements eventually add up to big dividends in your capabilities. Stay hungry to get better using pickleball tips for intermediate players.

Play Against Better Competition

Practice is vital but you learn so much more from actual match play. Seek out more advanced competition to challenge your game. Enter amateur tournaments to experience pressure situations. Sign up for ladders, leagues, and club play. Test yourself in competition and analyze your successes and failures. Pay attention to execution under pressure – note where flaws emerge. Improving competitive performance is crucial for progressing beyond intermediate status using pickleball tips for intermediate players.

Implementing these pickleball tips and tactics into your training regimen will rapidly boost intermediate skills. With smart practice, competition, and continued learning, you’ll gain confidence and get satisfaction from visible progress. Keep fine-tuning technique, strategy, footwork, and mental game using these intermediate pickleball tips and watch your capabilities soar.

Frequently Asked Questions for Intermediate Players

What are some typical mistakes intermediate players make?

Some common intermediate pickleball mistakes:

  • Forgetting fundamentals – footwork, control, consistency
  • Focusing too much on power over finesse
  • Poor positioning and court coverage
  • Not communicating with partner
  • Making reckless errors trying to end points too soon
  • Having an incomplete knowledge of rules and tactics

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What areas should intermediate players focus training on?

Key training areas for intermediate players:

  • Consistency – especially serves, returns, dinks
  • Ball control and precise placement
  • Footwork and lateral mobility
  • Doubles tactics and communication
  • Varying pace, spin, height
  • Competitive match play experience
  • Continued skills and strategy learning

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What gear do intermediate players need?

Essential intermediate gear:

  • Composite paddle – control, and power
  • Pickleball shoes – lightweight, supportive
  • Breathable, flexible apparel
  • Visor/hat for sun protection
  • Ample hydration
  • Indoor and outdoor balls
  • Gear bag for equipment
  • Optional: glove or tape to prevent blisters

Using these pickleball tips for intermediate players in training will lead to steady improvement. Develop skills, play smarter tactically, and keep enhancing capabilities on your path beyond the intermediate level.

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